11-The condenser used in battery coil ignition circuit is connected in:

(A) Parallel to CB points

(B) Series to CB points

(C) Either in series or parallel to CB points

(D) None of the above

12-Accelerator linkage of a petrol engine using carburetor is connected to:

(A) Choke valve

(B) Air cleaner

(C) Throttle valve

(D) Manifold

13-Which of the following is not a cause for diesel engine does not start?

(A) Air in the fuel system

(B) Blocked or clogged fuel filter or fuel lines

(C)  Small leakage in diesel tank

(D) None of the above

14-Which of the following cold starting device is used in diesel engine?

(A) Choke valve

(B) Cooling coil

(C) Priming pump

(D) Glow plug

15-The needle valve of carburetor is closed and opened by:

(A) Air jet

(B) Main petrol jet

(C) Throttle valve

(D) Float

16-What is the purpose of providing vertical slot or T-slots on piston?

(A) For the seating of compression ring

(B) For the seating of oil ring

(C) For lubrication

(D) Restrict the change in diameter during thermal expansion

17-What is the advantage of aluminium alloy piston over cast iron piston of same size?

(A) Higher brittleness

(B) Less thermal conductivity

(C) Lighter in weight

(D) All of the above

18-What material is plated on bore of aluminium alloy cylinder blocks to obtain a wear resistant surface?

(A) Chromium

(B) Sulphur

(C) Silicon

(D) Alumina

19-Most of the coolant pumps used in automobile are of:

(A) Gear type

(B) Vane type

(C) Reciprocating type

(D) Impeller type

20-Which of the following is not an effect of providing cooling fins around engine cylinder?

(A) Increase heat transfer area

(B) Decrease heat transfer rate

(C) Increase cooling efficiency

(D) None of the above


11-(A), 12-(C), 13-(C), 14-(D), 15-(D), 16-(D), 17-(C), 18-(C), 19-(D), 20-(B)