1-The degree of variation of a liquid with temperature is termed as

(A) Kinematic viscosity

(B) Absolute viscosity

(C) Viscosity index

(D) None of the above

2-The power utilized to propel the vehicle is known as





3-The cross section of brake shoe is of:

(A) T-section

(B) I-section

(C) H-section

(D) U-section

4-The component of pressure spring type single plate clutch system which disengage from flywheel when pressing clutch pedal is

(A) Pressure plate

(B) Clutch cover

(C) Clutch disc

(D) Release bearing

5-If the speed of vehicle is doubled the air resistance is:

(A) Increased by four times

(B) Decreased by four times

(C) Increased by two times

(D) Decreased by two times

6-Which among the following is an example of positive clutch?

(A) Jaw clutch

(B) Multiple clutch

(C) Single plate clutch

(D) All of the above

7-The component of battery ignition system which helps to avoid spark between CB point is:

(A) Ballast resistor

(B) Condenser

(C) Rotor

(D) Spark plug

8-The CB point gap is in the range of

(A) 0.35 mm to 0.45 mm

(B) 0.35 mm to 0.45 mm

(C) 0.30 mm to 0.40 mm

(D) 1 mm to 1.35 mm

9-Which type of fuel supply system is commonly used in motor cycle?

(A) Gravity system

(B) Pressure system

(C) Vacuum system

(D) Pump system

10-Which of the following is not an advantage of two stroke engine compared to four stroke engine of same size?

(A) Lighter in weight

(B) Higher volumetric efficiency

(C) More power is produced

(D) None of the above


1-(C), 2-(B), 3-(A), 4-(C), 5-(A), 6-(A), 7-(B), 8-(A), 9-(A), 10-(B)