1. When we start a vehicle, exhaust smoke appears white. Why?


When you start, the mixture is rich, and the exhaust will be cold, so any unburned hydrocarbons and water vapor will condense out into a cloudy mist and appear white. Once the engine is warmed up, the exhaust system gets hot enough that the vapor is invisible.

2.What is an injector pressure in heavy vehicles? Why it is used?


Injector pressure i s the pressure at which the fuel can be injected into the vehicle. In heavy vehicles, injector pressure is 220 kg/cm square. It is used to set up the standard fuel injection in the vehicles. With the help of injector pressure we can calculate the amount of fuel needed, through the following formula: Est. Horsepower × B.S.F.C / No. of injectors × duty cycle = lb/hr per injector cc = lb/hr × 10.5

3. What is the size of the recommended compressor CFM? Where it can be used?


It is generally used in spray painting of very small areas. It can be used where painting with brush is very difficult. Thus to improve the rate of painting the spray painting is used as this method is very fast and efficient. Usually reciprocating compressors are used but size depends on requirements.

4. What is a pressure cap in the radiator?


It is a seal in the radiator that maintains the selected pressure in the cooling system when the engine is hot.

5. How to generate power from differential gear?


Differential Gear comes under the category of Power transmitting mechanisms called Gears. Gears can\'t generate power; they can only transmit the power from one source to the receiver. A Differential Gear has three jobs. 1. It directs engine power to the wheels. It\'s the connecting link between the drive shaft and the wheel axles. 2. It acts as the final gear reduction in the vehicle, slowing the rotational speed of the transmission before it hits the wheels. 3. The differential also transmits the power to the wheels while allowing them to rotate at different speeds.

6. How to calculate bearing number to diameter of the inner and outer?


Divide the shaft diameter size by 5, it will give last two digit of the bearing no. and according to type of load we have to choose the type of bearing and that will give prior no. of the bearing.

7. Define fit?


Fit is defined as the degree of tightness and looseness between two meeting parts.

8. What is transverse weight shift due to drive torque?


It is weight of drive torque which is bolted to chassis of the car.

9. Why tractor rear wheel is big then front wheel?


For maximum torque provide

10. Does the design & fittings vary on the type of the vehicle engine? Why they use petrol for engines only & vice versa?


No, the type of fitting & design does not vary for automotive segment. It’s the same. However, it’s different in case of aerospace & other sector. In the fittings, usually of hole/shaft one of those is made at the basic size so that it can accommodate the other one.