At the critical pressure ratio.
It is least when compression process approaches isothermal. For this purpose, attempts are made to cool the air during compression.
Stalling is a local phenomenon and it occurs when breaks away from the blades. Surging causes complete breakdown of flow and as such it affects the whole machine.
The maximum power is consumed at about 70% of maximum flow in case\'of fan with backward blades. For higher flow, power consumption gets lower.
Isentropic efficiency of axial flow compressor is higher.
Non uniform corrosion over the entire metal surface, but occuring only in small pits is called pitting. It is caused by lack of uniformity in metal.
It is the actual physical change in metal that makes it extremely brittle and filled with minute cracks. It occurs particularly in the seams of rivetted joints and around the rivet holes.
Sulphates and chlorides of lime and magnesium form hard scale, and carbonates of lime and magnesium form soft scale.
Hard water contains excess of scale forming impurities and soft water contains very little or no scale forming substances.