Pre -Reading, While Reading and Post -Reading Activities

Pre-Reading Activities:

The pre - reading activities which I would like to incorporate into my future lessons are:

- Guessing the story from the chapter headings and predicting what will happen from the pictures.

- I would choose new and difficult vocabulary from the story and would write them on the board. I will pre teach them or review it with the students. After explaining the vocabulary words  I will ask questions about  the chosen words .Students  will be asked to use vocabulary  in their sentences.

- I will choose random sentences from the story and will write the sentences on the board not in the order they appear in the story. Learners will be asked to discuss in group how they think that these sentences will be placed in the correct order.

When they will read the story they can see how the sentences appear in it.

While Reading Activities:

-While reading I would like to ask questions based on text and will ask them to predict what will happen next.

- When learners are reading the story they will be asked  to find information from the paragraphs.

- While reading the text I would ask students to identify previously  discussed  vocabulary words.

- I would ask learners to read the text in pairs.

Post- Reading Activities:

-  After reading the text I would ask questions based on the text and will ask them to predict what will happen next.

- Once students read the text they will be asked to think of different endings in group  and each group will be asked to share  their endings in class.

- Students will be asked to summarize the story in their own words.

- Students will be divided into pairs and each pair will be asked to talk about their favourite character in the story.