Electronic Ignition System Main Components

1. Battery

It is the powerhouse of the ignition system as it supplies the necessary energy to the ignition system.same as battery coil ignition system.

2. Ignition Switch

it is the switch used in ignition system which governs the ON and OFF of the system ,same as the battery coil ignition system.

3. Ignition Control Module or Control Unit of Ignition System

It is the brain or programmed instruction given to the ignition system which monitors and control the timing and intensity of the spark automatically. It is the device that receives voltage signals from the armature and set the primary coil to ON and OFF ,it can be placed separately outside the distributor or can be place in electronic control unit box of the vehicle.

4. Armature

Contact breaker points of battery  ignition system is replaced by an armature which consists of a reluctor with teeth (the rotating part), vacuum advance and a pickup coil(to catch the voltage signals),Electronic module receives the voltage signals from the armature in order to make and break the circuit, which in turn sets the timing of the distributor to accurately distribute current to the spark plugs.

5. Ignition Coil

Same as the battery ignition coil system ignition coil is used in electronic ignition system to produce high voltage to the spark plug.

6. Ignition Distributor

As the name indicates it is the device use to distribute the current to the spark plugs of the multi cylinder engine.

7. Spark Plug

Spark plug is used to generate spark inside the cylinder.

Working of Electronic Ignition System

§  To understand the working of the electronic ignition system let’s consider above figure in which all the components mentioned above are connected in their working order.

§  When the driver switch ON the ignition switch in order to start a vehicle the current starts flowing from the battery through the ignition switch to the coil primary winding, which in turn starts the armature pickup coil to receives and send the voltage signals from the armature to the ignition module.

§  When the tooth of the rotating reluctor comes in front of the pickup coil as shown in the fig the voltage signal from pickup coil is sent to the electronic module which in turn senses the signal and stops the current to flow from primary coil.

§  When the tooth of the rotating reluctor goes away from the pickup coil, the change in voltage signal is sent by pickup coil to the ignition module and a timing circuit inside ignition module turns ON the current flow.

§  A magnetic field is generated in the ignition coil due to this continuous make and break of the circuit which induced an EMF in secondary winding which increases the voltage upto 50000 Volts.

§  This high voltage is then sent to distributor ,which has the rotating rotor and distributor points which is set according to the ignition timing.

§  When the rotor comes in front of any of those distributor points the jumping of voltage through the air gap from the rotor to the distributor point takes place which is then sent to the adjacent spark plug terminal through the high tension cable and a voltage difference is generated between the central electrode and ground electrode which is responsible for generating a spark at the tip of the spark plug and finally the combustion takes place.