Acceleration enrichment

During periods of heavy engine load such as during hard acceleration, fuel control is adjusted to provide an enriched air/fuel ratio to maximize engine torque and neglect fuel economy and emissions. This condition of enrichment is permitted within the regulations of the EPA as it is only a temporary condition. It is well recognized that hard acceleration is occasionally required for maneuvering in certain situations and is, in fact, related at times to safety.

The computer detects this condition by reading the throttle angle sensor voltage. High throttle angle corresponds to heavy engine load and is an indication that heavy acceleration is called for by the driver. In some vehicles a switch is provided to detect wide open throttle. The fuel system controller responds by increasing the pulse duration of the fuel injector signal for the duration of the heavy load. This enrichment enables the engine to operate with a torque greater than that

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allowed when emissions and fuel economy are controlled. Enrichment of the air/fuel ratio to about 12:1 is sometimes used.