Variable Transconductance Technique

Variable Transconductance Technique:


·           The variable transconductance technique makes use of the dependence characteristic of the transistor transconductance parameter on the emitter current bias applied. A simple differential circuit arrangement depicting the principle is shown in figure.

 ·           The relationship between V0 and Vx . is given by V0 = gm RL VX where gm = IEE /VT is the transconductance of the stage.

 ·           Application of a second input Vy to the reference current source of the differential amplifier can vary gm.

 ·           Thus, if RE IEE >>VBE, the bias voltage Vy is related to IEE by the relation Vy = IEE RE.

 ·           Then, the overall voltage transfer expression is given by

 V0 = gm RLVx = (Vy/VTRE)VxRL

= VxVy  RL/ VTRE