Gilbert Multiplier cell

The Gilbert multiplier cell is a modification of the emitter coupled cell and this allows four – quadrant multiplication. Therefore, it forms the basis of most of the integrated circuit balanced Multipliers. Two cross- coupled emitter- coupled pairs in series connection with an emitter coupled pair form the structure of the Gilbert multiplier cell.

The collector current of Q3 and Q4 are given by

Similarly, the collector current of Q5 and Q6 are given by

 collector current IC1 and IC2 of transistors Q1 and Q2 can be expressed as

Substituting the above equation in IC3 and IC4, we get

Similarly substituting Ic2= in Ic5 and IC6 , we get,

The differential output current I is given by

∆I =IL1 - IL2

= (IC3 +IC5) - ( IC4+IC6)

=IC3 - IC6)-(IC4 - IC5)

∆I=IEE tanh( V1/2VT) tanh(V2/2VT)