All binary math operations are built around just two basic circuits: the binary adder and the shift register. While both circuits are made up of several more elementary logic gates, the focus will be on how these two functions perform as a unit. I won't take a microscopic tour of each electron's movement. Instead, I'm going to tell you how to wire the functions together and just what to expect when you flip the switch.


FIGURE 1: Adders and shift registers are the fundamental building blocks of binary mathematical computations.

Basic to all math operations is the binary adder, which comes in two flavors: a half adder and a full adder (Figure 1). The half adder simply tallies two binary bits and outputs a sum. For example:

0 + 0 = 0
1 + 0 = 1
0 + 1 = 1

Nothing surprising here. But what happens when you add 1 + 1? Exactly the same thing that happens when you add 9 + 1 — you get 10. Like decimal addition, binary addition carries over the next most significant digit when the total exceeds the base number. For logic circuits, that's when the sum exceeds 1, whereupon the most-significant digit (MSB) is shifted left one position and a place holder (0) fills the least-most significant (LSB) position. Consequently, the sum of 1 + 1 = 10.

When adding numbers larger than two, a full adder is needed to deal with the overflow, which is called a Carry Out bit. Take the example shown in Table 1 of 1101101 + 101, which has a result of 1110010.


This operation requires an eight-bit adder, which is easily made using a pair of four-bit full adders, like the 74LS83 shown in Figure 2.

FIGURE 2: Full adders are stacked to process the required word size.