The Applications of CNC Machining

CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machining refers to a manufacturing process that involves the use computers to control machine parts. CNC machining has been adopted in almost all industries, including small-scale roadside workshops and repair shops.

Everyone involved in manufacturing should take advantage of what this technology can do for their company. For instance, CNC machines:

·         Have a high degree of automation that lowers a company’s labour intensity.

·         Achieve a more precise level of production that produces good product consistency exponentially faster.

·         Have multi-axis linkage that allows you to attain complex processing of the prototype machining.

So, what are some of the areas where CNC machining can be applied?

Metal Removal Industries

CNC machines are extremely useful in metal removal industries such as automotive industries, aerospace industries, and in making jewellery. This technology removes excess metal from raw materials to attain desired end product. CNC machines can also be used to create shaped products in the manufacturing industries, which may include threaded, rounded, rectangular, square, or even three-dimensional products.

Industries for Fabricating Metals

There are several industries that require thin metal plates such as steel plates, to create end products. Several metal fabrication tasks such as drilling precision holes, flame or plasma cutting, welding and shearing have been made easier with CNC machines. There are several industries for fabricating metals that would benefit from CNC machines, for instance:


·         Electronics: Computers and motherboards have brains with millions of tiny parts that must be made with precision.


·         Firearms: CNC machines are used to create barrels, ammunition clips, pins, triggers, and several components of the gun.

Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) Applications

The EDM machines generate sparks that burn the unwanted metal away. Through CNC automation, EDM machining can be done in two ways; Vertical EDM that requires an electrode with a similar size and shape as that of the cavity that is to be carved out, and Wire EDM that is used to create the punch as well as die combinations for the dies set, which are used in metal fabrication industries.

CNC machines can also be applied in woodworking industries, lettering and engraving systems, electrical industry, the pharmaceutical industry, food and beverage industry, and much more. Whatever industry you are in, you’ll definitely find some type of CNC machine that suits your needs. At Stoney CNC, we provide a wide range of high performance, quality and easy to use CNC machining and CNC plasma equipment. All of our products are vetted and tested to ensure performance to the highest standards, plus our after sale support is impeccable.