CNC GuideWays

CNC Machine Guideways

Precise positioning and repeatability of CNC machine tool slides are the major functional requirements of CNC machines. The inaccuracies that are caused is mainly due to the stick slip motion when plain slide ways are used [metal to metal contact] therefore.



1) Friction guide ways

2) Anti-friction guideways


1. Friction guideways

CNC machine tools has made necessary the rapid response of slides to a command signal and constant frictional resistance to slide movement is desirable. The phenomenon gives rise of the familiar stick of oil is lubricated sliding surfaces when the adjustment is needed or jerky action when movement takes place at low velocities, the term stick-slip is used to describe these situation.

To overcome these problem of stick-slip CNC machine use

Advantages of friction guideways


Examples of friction guideways

V guide way : self aligning

Flat guide way                         : better load bearing capability

Dovetail guide way                 : compact

Cylindrical guide way              : ideal for shorter traverses

2. Anti-friction Linear motion guide ways

Metal to metal contact has a relatively high coefficient of friction and results in higher wear and heat generation. To minimize this, anti-friction linear motion guide ways are used on the CNC machine tools to:

Advantages of Anti-Friction guideways

Disadvantages of Anti-Friction guideways

Examples of Anti-Friction guideways