What is Time Response?

If the output of control system for an input varies with respect to time, then it is called the time response of the control system. The time response consists of two parts.

The response of control system in time domain is shown in the following figure.

Here, both the transient and the steady states are indicated in the figure. The responses corresponding to these states are known as transient and steady state responses.

Mathematically, we can write the time response c(t) as


Transient Response

After applying input to the control system, output takes certain time to reach steady state. So, the output will be in transient state till it goes to a steady state. Therefore, the response of the control system during the transient state is known as transient response.

The transient response will be zero for large values of ‘t’. Ideally, this value of ‘t’ is infinity and practically, it is five times constant.

Mathematically, we can write it as

Steady state Response

The part of the time response that remains even after the transient response has zero value for large values of ‘t’ is known as steady state response. This means, the transient response will be zero even during the steady state.


Let us find the transient and steady state terms of the time response of the control system


Here, the second term 5e−t5e−t will be zero as t denotes infinity. So, this is the transient term. And the first term 10 remains even as t approaches infinity. So, this is the steady state term.