Execution Speed

The execution speed of an instruction depends on several factors. It is mostly influenced by the complexity of the architecture, so you can generally expect a CISC machine to require more cycles to execute an instruction than a RISC machine. It also depends on the word size of the machine, since a machine that can fetch a 32 bit instruction in one go is faster than an 8-bit machine that takes 4 cycles to fetch such a long instruction. Finally, the oscillator frequency defines the absolute speed of the execution, since a CPU that can be operated at 20 MHz can afford to take twice as many cycles and will still be faster than a CPU with a maximum operating frequency of 8 MHz.

Available Instructions Of course, the nature of available instructions is an important criterion for selecting a controller. Instructions are typically parted into several classes:

Arithmetic-Logic Instructions:

This class contains all operations which compute something, e.g., ADD, SUB, MUL, . . . , and logic operations like AND, OR, XOR, . . . . It may also contain bit operations like BSET (set a bit), BCLR (clear a bit), and BTST (test whether a bit is set). Bit operations are an important feature of the microcontroller, since it allows to access single bits without changing the other bits in the byte. As we will see in Section 2.3, this is a very useful feature to have.

Shift operations, which move the contents of a register one bit to the left or to the right, are typically provided both as logical and as arithmetical operations. The difference lies in their treatment of the most significant bit when shifting to the right (which corresponds to a division by 2). Seen arithmetically, the msb is the sign bit and should be kept when shifting to the right. So if the msb is set, then an arithmetic right-shift will keep the msb set. Seen logically, however, the msb is like any other bit, so here a right-shift will clear the msb. Note that there is no need to keep the msb when shifting to the left (which corresponds to a multiplication by 2). Here, a simple logical shift will keep the msb set anyway as long as there is no overflow. If an overflow occurs, then by not keeping the msb we simply allow the result to wrap, and the status register will indicate that the result has overflowed. Hence, an arithmetic shift to the left is the same as a logical shift.


Arithmetic shift To illustrate what happens in an arithmetic shift to the left, consider a 4-bit machine. Negative numbers are represented in two’s complement, so for example -7 is represented as binary 1001. If we simply shift to the left, we obtain 0010 = 2, which is the same as -14 modulo 16. If we had kept the msb, the result would have been 1010 = -6, which is simply wrong.

Shifting to the right can be interpreted as a division by two. If we arithmetically right-shift -4 = 1100, we obtain 1110 = -2 since the msb remains set. In a logical shift to the right, the result would have been 0110 = 6.

Data Transfer:

These operations transfer data between two registers, between registers and memory, or between memory locations. They contain the normal memory access instructions like LD (load) and ST (store), but also the stack access operations PUSH and POP.

Program Flow: Here you will find all instructions which influence the program flow. These include jump instructions which set the program counter to a new address, conditional branches like BNE (branch if the result of the prior instruction was not zero), subroutine calls, and calls that return from subroutines like RET or RETI (return from interrupt service routine).

Control Instructions: This class contains all instructions which influence the operation of the controller. The simplest such instruction is NOP, which tells the CPU to do nothing. All other special instructions, like power-management, reset, debug mode control, . . . also fall into this class.