Some important descriptions:

The following list contains the modules typically found in a microcontroller. You can find a more detailed description of these components in later sections.

Processor Core: The CPU of the controller. It contains the arithmetic logic unit, the control unit, and the registers (stack pointer, program counter, accumulator register, register file, . . . ).

Memory: The memory is sometimes split into program memory and data memory. In larger controllers, a DMA controller handles data transfers between peripheral components and the memory.

Interrupt Controller: Interrupts are useful for interrupting the normal program flow in case of (important) external or internal events. In conjunction with sleep modes, they help to conserve power.

Timer/Counter: Most controllers have at least one and more likely 2-3 Timer/Counters, which can be used to timestamp events, measure intervals, or count events. Many controllers also contain PWM (pulse width modulation) outputs, which can be used to drive motors or for safe breaking (antilock brake system, ABS). Furthermore the PWM output can, in conjunction with an external filter, be used to realize a cheap digital/analog converter.

Digital I/O: Parallel digital I/O ports are one of the main features of microcontrollers. The number of I/O pins varies from 3-4 to over 90, depending on the controller family and the controller type.

Analog I/O: Apart from a few small controllers, most microcontrollers have integrated analog/digital converters, which differ in the number of channels (2-16) and their resolution (8-12 bits). The analog module also generally features an analog comparator. In some cases, the microcontroller includes digital/analog converters.

Interfaces: Controllers generally have at least one serial interface which can be used to download the program and for communication with the development PC in general. Since serial interfaces can also be used to communicate with external peripheral devices, most controllers offer several and varied interfaces like SPI and SCI. Many microcontrollers also contain integrated bus controllers for the most common (field)busses. IIC and CAN controllers lead the field here. Larger microcontrollers may also contain PCI, USB, or Ethernet interfaces.

Watchdog Timer: Since safety-critical systems form a major application area of microcontrollers, it is important to guard against errors in the program and/or the hardware. The watchdog timer is used to reset the controller in case of software “crashes”.

Debugging Unit: Some controllers are equipped with additional hardware to allow remote debugging of the chip from the PC. So there is no need to download special debugging software, which has the distinct advantage that erroneous application code cannot overwrite the debugger


Contrary to processors, (smaller) controllers do not contain a MMU (Memory Management Unit), have no or a very simplified instruction pipeline, and have no cache memory, since both costs and the ability to calculate execution times (some of the embedded systems employing controllers are real-time systems, like X-by-wire systems in automotive control) are important issues in the microcontroller market.

To summarize, a microcontroller is a (stripped-down) processor which is equipped with memory, timers, (parallel) I/O pins and other on-chip peripherals. The driving element behind all this is cost: Integrating all elements on one chip saves space and leads to both lower manufacturing costs and shorter development times. This saves both time and money, which are key factors in embedded systems. Additional advantages of the integration are easy upgradability, lower power consumption, and higher reliability, which are also very important aspects in embedded systems. On the downside, using a microcontroller to solve a task in software that could also be solved with a hardware solution will not give you the same speed that the hardware solution could achieve. Hence, applications which require very short reaction times might still call for a hardware solution. Most applications, however, and in particular those that require some sort of human interaction (microwave, mobile phone), do not need such fast reaction times, so for these applications microcontrollers are a good choice.