How to create an AR application

Diving into a new technology may seem intimidating at first. But if you divide the knowledge into consumable chunks and take small regular steps, mastering a new skill comes easy. Here are a few things to consider with AR app creation.

  1. Figure out a great idea to enhance your business. Competitor analysis is a good way to handle it.
  2. Explore the market of existing SDKs and platforms for augmented reality development. Pick the one that fits your idea, budget, and expertise. For example, platforms like Vuforia, Wikitude, and ARToolKit require a profound knowledge of C++, Java, or C#. If programming languages are not your cup of tea, opt for an easier solution – tools like Blippar or Aurasma are an excellent choice for beginners.
  3. Remember that AR usually needs the presence of 3D objects. You can download existing models or learn how to make them yourself.
  4. Create a 2D tracker, which is a specific picture that gets placed on a surface and scanned by AR-aided devices.
  5. Create a unique design and prepare all the necessary 3D models, pictures, text files and data.
  6. Put all the elements together on a platform of your choice.

What’s next? Let’s evaluate some augmented reality tools you will need, their features and benefits, so you can make a better choice of a platform.