15.Technology Audit


Technology Audit which is an auditing service done to understand the present technology utilization level of an organization. This is very similar to an Accounting Audit that is conducted in almost every company. It provides a benchmark for, where the business is now, in terms of technology. The audit can help identify strengths and weaknesses. It's really a snapshot of the organization's technology infrastructure. The evaluation of the collected evidence determines if the information technology is operating effectively and efficiently to achieve the organization's business goals or objectives.

Why we need to do Technology Audit?

The Technology Audit for organizations from any domain is a must to ensure optimum performance in the day to day operations and decision making. It helps the organization to understand and utilize technology more effectively. The success of this Audit is that it does not recommend investing more; rather it helps to get more out of existing technology investments.

Our Technology Audit includes various components and addresses the critical and major pain points of different IT areas as detailed below:

·         Power Infrastructure Audit.

·         Sudden power failure of UPS.

·         Over-utilisation and under-utilisation of UPS capacity.

·         UPS power cabling issues.

·         Battery backup for the load applied.

·         Climate control measures taken up for the UPS and battery placement.

·         Fire hazards that pose a potential threat to the environment.

Audit Recommendations:

·         Safe and climate-controlled placement of UPS & batteries

·         Overloading or Underloading of UPS

·         Possible resolution of UPS issues

This Audit Report facilitates the clients to understand the following critical parameters:

·         Potential Security threats / gaps and their removal plan

·         Understand training requirements

·         Identify the key expectations of the majority of stakeholders.