14. Financial Audit

A financial audit is an independent, objective evaluation of an organization's financial reports and financial reporting processes. The primary purpose for financial audits is to give regulators, investors, directors, and managers reasonable assurance that financial statements are accurate and complete.

Financial audits provide reasonable assurance, but not absolute guarantees. Through a variety of different audit procedures such as interviews, observation, and test work, financial auditors can determine if controls and processes needed to produce accurate financial statements are in place. If the controls and processes are in place, then they can conclude that the financial statements are accurate and reasonable, but they still can't guarantee that there were no human errors or miscommunications that may lead to a mistake.

Basic Procedures for a Financial Audit

Generally, four key phases are outlined for financial audit process. These phases include planning the audit, determining the working of internal control, testing significant assertions about the data and evaluating compliance, and reporting the evaluations.

These phases are explained below for your reference:


The process of financial audit begins with a plan that involves the method of collecting data to form an opinion about the organization or company’s financial status. A way is planned to collect a sample reflecting a point in time in the life of the company or organization. The financial transactions and documents are then looked at. It is noteworthy that the sample should show compliance with GAAP.

·         Internal controls

The next step involves giving a look at the internal controls. The auditor demands info, looks closely at the records, and watches financial procedures in action. Without these steps, the auditor cannot give a statement about the financial status of the organization.

·         Testing

Testing implies checking whether the internal controls are working or not. An auditor requests more info, returns to the company for more inspections, and watches how financial procedures are being performed. If the evidence demonstrates GAAP compliance, the auditor determines that the company successfully detects and prevents the errors.

·         Reporting

The final step in financial audit involves giving a conclusion on how the company adheres to accounting standards. The audit from a CPA gives the organization an unqualified approval, a qualified approval, a disclaimer, or an adverse finding. The unqualified approval is considered as the best result and the adverse finding is considered to be the worst result.