Understanding Sound

As you dive deeper into the world of audio recording, you’ll start to notice that you can hear things others can’t.

And that’s because, you begin to understand what SOUND actually is, and how our ears and brain use to interpret the world around us.

But before your ears can truly grasp these concepts…your brain must understand how everything works in theory.

So, to help speed up your learning curve, I’ve created the following 4 lessons:

1.      Binaural Hearing

2.      Understanding Decibels

3.      The Fletcher Munson Curve

4.      Digital Audio

Now let’s take a closer look at each one…

1. Binaural Hearing Explained

Have you ever wondered exactly why we have TWO ears?

Instead of maybe just 1?  or 3?

Well the theory states that through evolution, this system of “binaural hearing“, (binaural meaning “two-ears”)…

Was the most effective at allowing animals and humans to perceive directional cues from the sounds in their environment.

The first question you might be asking is…”How does it work?

The second question you are definitely asking is…”How does it apply to my music?

Well in this lesson I reveal the answer to BOTH…

2. Understanding Decibels

More than any other topic in music recording…

The subject of decibels is probably the MOST misunderstood.

Which is unfortunate because we as musicians work with it on a daily basis whether we know it or not.

Everyone thinks they understand it, but truthfully almost no one does.

Do some research on this topic and what you’ll likely find is a bunch of mathematical equations and scientific jargon that you can barely make sense of.

And that is why in this lesson, I’ve taken the time to break it down and explain it in a way that anyone can understand.

3. The Fletcher Munson Curve Explained

If you’re reading this post, chance are you’ve never heard of it…

Or you have, but have no idea what it is or why you should care.

But trust me, as you gain experience in this field, you will hear the term mentioned more and more.

And since you have to learn it eventually, what better time than right now?

I won’t go into detail on the subject now, but it basically shows us how the human ear perceives loudness at different frequencies.

4. Digital Audio 101

Of all the recent technologies that have made home recording possible…

The one that really got it started was Digital Audio.

Yet not surprisingly, since the subject matter can be dry at times…

Very few people understand much at all about this important topic.

So in this post, I give you the highlights, by revealing ONLY the most fascinating bits related directly to music production: