

Spectroscopy, study of the absorption and emission of light and other radiation by matter, as related to the dependence of these processes on the wavelength of the radiation. More recently, the definition has been expanded to include the study of the interactions between particles such as electrons, protons, and ions, as well as their interaction with other particles as a function of their collision energy. Spectroscopic analysis has been crucial in the development of the most fundamental theories in physics, including quantum mechanics, the special and general theories of relativity, and quantum electrodynamics. Spectroscopy, as applied to high-energy collisions, has been a key tool in developing scientific understanding not only of the electromagnetic force but also of the strong and weak nuclear forces.


Spectroscopic techniques have been applied in virtually all technical fields of science and technology. Radio-frequency spectroscopy of nuclei in a magnetic field has been employed in a medical technique called magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to visualize the internal soft tissue of the body with unprecedented resolution. Microwave spectroscopy was used to discover the so-called three-degree blackbody radiation, the remnant of the big bang (i.e., the primeval explosion) from which the universe is thought to have originated . The internal structure of the proton and neutron and the state of the early universe up to the first thousandth of a second of its existence are being unraveled with spectroscopic techniques using high-energy particle accelerators. The constituents of distant stars, intergalactic molecules, and even the primordial abundance of the elements before the formation of the first stars can be determined by optical, radio, and X-ray spectroscopy. Optical spectroscopy is used routinely to identify the chemical composition of matter and to determine its physical structure.


Spectroscopic techniques are extremely sensitive. Single atoms and even different isotopes of the same atom can be detected among 1020 or more atoms of a different species. (Isotopes are all atoms of an element that have unequal mass but the same atomic number. Isotopes of the same element are virtually identical chemically.) Trace amounts of pollutants or contaminants are often detected most effectively by spectroscopic techniques. Certain types of microwave, optical, and gamma-ray spectroscopy are capable of measuring infinitesimal frequency shifts in narrow spectroscopic lines. Frequency shifts as small as one part in 1015 of the frequency being measured can be observed with ultrahigh resolution laser techniques. Because of this sensitivity, the most accurate physical measurements have been frequency measurements.


Spectroscopy now covers a sizable fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum. The table summarizes the electromagnetic spectrum over a frequency range of 16 orders of magnitude. Spectroscopic techniques are not confined to electromagnetic radiation, however. Because the energy E of a photon (a quantum of light) is related to its frequency ν by the relation E = hν, where h is Planck’s constant, spectroscopy is actually the measure of the interaction of photons with matter as a function of the photon energy. In instances where the probe particle is not a photon, spectroscopy refers to the measurement of how the particle interacts with the test particle or material as a function of the energy of the probe particle.


Electromagnetic phenomena


approximate wavelength range (metres)

approximate frequency range (hertz)

radio waves


3 × 105–3 × 107

television waves


3 × 107–3 × 108

microwaves, radar

1 × 10−3–1

3 × 108–3 × 1011


8 × 10−7–1 × 10−3

3 × 1011–4 × 1014

visible light

4 × 10−7–7 × 10−7

4 × 1014–7 × 1014


1 × 10−8–4 × 10−7

7 × 1014–3 × 1016


5 × 10−12–1 × 10−8

3 × 1016–6 × 1019

gamma rays (γ rays)

<5 × 10−12

>6 × 1019


An example of particle spectroscopy is a surface analysis technique known as electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) that measures the energy lost when low-energy electrons (typically 5–10 electron volts) collide with a surface. Occasionally, the colliding electron loses energy by exciting the surface; by measuring the electron’s energy loss, vibrational excitations associated with the surface can be measured. On the other end of the energy spectrum, if an electron collides with another particle at exceedingly high energies, a wealth of subatomic particles is produced. Most of what is known in particle physics (the study of subatomic particles) has been gained by analyzing the total particle production or the production of certain particles as a function of the incident energies of electrons and protons.


The following sections focus on the methods of electromagnetic spectroscopy, particularly optical spectroscopy. Although most of the other forms of spectroscopy are not covered in detail, they have the same common heritage as optical spectroscopy. Thus, many of the basic principles used in other spectroscopies share many of the general features of optical spectroscopy.