overview of objectives

Astronomy Objectives

The Earth in Space Students will investigate and describe the interrelationships between the Earth, Moon and Sun.

      Explain Earth’s motions in space: rotation and revolution.

      Model phases of the Moon and explain the phenomenon that causes the phases.

      Identify major constellations and explain why they appear to move across the sky.

      Predict seasons using a diagram of Earth and Sun.

      Describe what causes seasons.

The Solar System

Students will compare and contrast objects in the Solar System.

v  Classify objects in the solar system as star, gas giants, terrestrial or other.

v  Represent the size of the planets and solar system in a model.

v  Explain in scientific language the origin of the solar system.

The Sun

Students will recognize the relationship between light, the Sun and other stars.

Ø  Describe the importance of the electromagnetic spectrum to astronomers.

Ø  Explain how reflecting and refracting telescopes work using a diagram.\

Ø  Identify the layers of a Sun (star).

Ø  Evaluate the effects of the solar wind and sunspots on the earth.

The Stars

Students will explain the lifecycle of a star.

v  Explain how stars are born.

v  Identify the parts of a stars lifecycle.

v  Use an HR Diagram to determine information about a star.

v  Produce a flow chart of stellar evolution.

v  Explain the process that produces heavy elements.

The Universe

Students will analyze the structure and history of the universe.

o   Identify galaxy types.

o   Illustrate the Sun’s location in the Milky Way.

o   Describe the history of the universe as explained by the big bang theory.

o   Evaluate the evidence explaining the big bang theory.

o   Explain redshift and blueshift of light to explain expansion of the universe.

o   Describe the four forces of nature; gravity, electromagnetic, strong and weak force.