The Wumpus World

The Wumpus world is a game playing which provides an environment to the knowledge-based agent to showcase its stored knowledge. It was developed by Gregory Yob in 1973.


About the game: 

·         It is a single-player game.

·         It is a cave consisting of rooms which are connected with one-another via passways.

·         There is a beast or monster in the game named Wumpus, lurking somewhere the cave.

·         Wumpus eats everyone who tries to enter the cave.

·         The player needs to kill the Wumpus.

·         The player has only one arrow to shoot out the monster.

·         There are some rooms containing bottomless pits which may trap anyone whoever wanders in the room.

·         The goal of the game is to search for a heap of gold.

PEAS Description of the Wumpus World

·         Performance Measure: The player is awarded with the following utilities:

·         (+1000): It is for coming out of the cave safely with the gold.

·         (-1000): It is for falling into the pit or if eaten by the Wumpus.

·         (-1): It is for each action taken by the player.

·         (-10): It is for raising the arrow up.

The game ends if the player comes out of the cave safely or dies.

1) Environment: The environment provided in the Wumpus world is as follows:

·         It is a 4X4 grid of rooms.

·         The player always starts in the square labeled [1,1] and facing towards the right.

·         Location of the monster and the gold is choosen randomly in a uniform distribution.

·         Remember, the location chosen will never be the starting point.

·         Each square room other than the starting one can be a pit with 0.2 probability.


2) Actuators: The player performs the following actions:

·         The agent can move forward or TurnLeft by 900 and TurnRight by 900.

·         The player dies if he enters a room having a pit or alive monster. It is safe to enter the room if the Wumpus is dead.

·         If the player will try to move forward and bumps into the wall, then the player will not move.

·         Using the action Grab, the player can pick up the gold in the same room.

·         Using the action Shoot, the player can shoot the monster with the arrow. Either the arrow will shoot the  monster or will hit on the wall.

·         The action Climb is used to come out of the cave but only from the square.


3) Sensors: The player is provided with five sensors, which gives a single bit of information:

·         The player will perceive a Stench, if Wumpus is present in the room which is directly adjacent to the player.

·         The player will perceive a Breeze, if in the square is directly adjacent to the pit.

·         The player will perceive a Glitter, if in the square gold is present.

·         The player will perceive a Bump, when the player walks into the wall.

·         When the player will shoot out the monster, it will emit a scary Scream which can be heard/perceived from anywhere in the cave.