First Order Logic

·         The prepositional logic only deals with the facts, that may be true or false.

·         The first order logic assumes that the world contains objects, relations and functions.

Syntax for first order logic:

·         In prepositional logic, every expression is a sentence that represents a fact.

·         First order logic includes the sentences along with terms which can represent the objects.

·         Constant symbols, variables and function symbols are used to build terms, while quantifiers and predicate symbols are used to build the sentences.



A, B, C.....


Size, Color


x, a


Constant, variable or function(Term..)


True, False



Atomic sentences

Predicate, Predicate(Term,…), Term=Term


¬  Sentence, Sentence Sentence, Sentence Sentence, Sentence Sentence, Sentence Sentence, Quantifier Variable, Sentence

Lets understand with an example,

Consider the sentence “Elephants are big”.There are many ways to represent this sentence.
HasSize(Elephant, Big)
SizeOF(Elephant)= Big

Lets introduce a new syntax,
IsEqual(SizeOf(Elephant, Big), this states that a object Elephant is big, which is a useless fact in any reasoning process about the Elephants in general. So lets represent that all Elephants are big.
So, we can find FOL statement as,

·         All things that are Elephants are big.

·         For all things x, for which x is a Elephant, x is big.

·         For all things x, if x is a Elephant, then x is big.

Finally the FOL will be written as.
x Elephant (x) Big(x)

Knowledge Engineering of FOL

The knowledge engineer must know about the domain to represent the important objects and relationships.

The following steps are used to develop the knowledge base:

1. Identify the problem or task.
2. Assemble the relevant knowledge to the given problem or task.
3. Decide on a vocabulary of predicates, functions and constants.
4. Encode the general knowledge about the domain and a description of the specific problem instance.
5. Apply queries to the inference procedure and get the answers.
6. Finally, debug the knowledge base.