CLIPS (C Language Integrated Production System)

·         CLIPS is a freely available expert system shell that has been implemented in C.

·         It provides a language for expressing rules and mainly uses forward chaining to derive conclusions from a set of facts and rules.

·         The notation used by CLIPS is very similar to that used by LISP.

·         The following is an example of a rule specified using CLIPS:

                      (defrule birthday

                      (firstname ?r1 John)

                      (surname ?r1 Smith)

                      (haircolor ?r1 Red)


                      (assert (is-boss ?r1)))

·         ?r1 is used to represent a variable, which in this case is a person.

·         Assert is used to add facts to the database, and in this case the rule is used to draw a conclusion from three facts about the person:

·         If the person has the first name John, has the surname Smith, and has red hair, then he is the boss.

·         This can be tried in the following way:

ü      (assert (firstname x John))

ü      (assert (surname x Smith))

ü      (assert (haircolor x Red))

ü      (run)

·         At this point, the command (facts) can be entered to see the facts that are contained in the database:

ü  CLIPS> (facts)

ü  f-0 (firstname x John)

ü  f-1 (surname x Smith)

ü  f-2 (haircolor x Red)

ü  f-3 (is-boss x)

·         So CLIPS has taken the three facts that were entered into the system and used the rule to draw a conclusion, which is that x is the boss.

·         Although this is a simple example, CLIPS, like other expert system shells, can be used to build extremely sophisticated and powerful tools.

·         For example, MYCIN is a well-known medical expert system that was developed at Stanford University in 1984.

·         MYCIN was designed to assist doctors to prescribe antimicrobial drugs for blood infections.

·         In this way, experts in antimicrobial drugs are able to provide their expertise to other doctors who are not so expert in that field. By asking the doctor a series of questions, MYCIN is able to recommend a course of treatment for the patient.

·         Importantly, MYCIN is also able to explain to the doctor which rules fired and therefore is able to explain why it produced the diagnosis and recommended treatment

that it did.

·         MYCIN has proved successful: for example, it has been proven to be able to provide more accurate diagnoses of meningitis in patients than most doctors.

·         MYCIN was developed using LISP, and its rules are expressed as LISP expressions.

·         The following is an example of the kind of rule used by MYCIN, translated into English:

ü  IF the infection is primary-bacteria

ü  AND the site of the culture is one of the sterile sites

ü  AND the suspected portal of entry is the gastrointestinal tract

ü  THEN there is suggestive evidence (0.7) that infection is bacteroid

·         The following is a very simple example of a CLIPS session where rules are defined to operate an elevator:

CLIPS> (defrule rule1

(elevator ?floor_now)

(button ?floor_now)


(assert (open_door)))

CLIPS> (defrule rule2

(elevator ?floor_now)

(button ?other_floor)


(assert (goto ?other_floor)))

CLIPS> (assert (elevator floor1))

==> f-0 (elevator floor1)


CLIPS> (assert (button floor3))

==> f-1 (button floor3)


<CLIPS> (run)

==>f-2 (goto floor3)

·         The segments in bold are inputs by the knowledge engineer, and the plain text sections are CLIPS.

·         Note that ?floor_now is an example of a variable within CLIPS, which means that any object can match it for the rule to trigger and fire.

·         In our example, the first rule simply says: If the elevator is on a floor, and the button is pressed on the same floor, then open the door.

·         The second rule says: If the elevator is on one floor, and the button is pressed on a different floor, then go to that floor.

·         After the rules, two facts are inserted into the database. The first fact says that the elevator is on floor 1, and the second fact says that the button has been pressed on

floor 3.

·         When the (run) command is issued to the system, it inserts a new fact into the database, which is a command to the elevator to go to floor 3.


Backward Chaining in Rule-Based Expert Systems

·         A common method for building expert systems is to use a rule-based system with backward chaining. Typically, a user enters a set of facts into the system, and the

system tries to see if it can prove any of the possible hypotheses using these facts.

·         In some cases, it will need additional facts, in which case the expert system will often ask the user questions, to ascertain facts that could enable further rules to fire.

·         The algorithm is applied as follows:

·         To prove a conclusion, we must prove a set of hypotheses, one of which is the conclusion. For each hypothesis, H:

If H is in the facts database, it is proved. Otherwise, if H can be determined by asking a question, then enter the user’s answer in the facts database. Hence, it can be determined whether H is true or false, according to the user’s answer. Otherwise, find a rule whose conclusion is H. Now apply this algorithm to try to prove this rule’s antecedents. If none of the above applies, we have failed to prove H.

·         Typically, backward chaining is used in combination with forward chaining. Whenever a new fact is added to the database, forward chaining is applied to see if

any further facts can be derived.

·         Backward chaining is then used to try to prove each possible hypothesis.

·         Let us imagine a simple medical expert system that is designed to diagnose and treat patients’ diseases.

The rules might be as follows:

Rule 1: If headache then prescribe painkiller

Rule 2: If headache and sore throat and coughing then diagnose flu

Rule 3: If tired and headache then diagnose glandular fever

Rule 4: If tired and sore throat then diagnose tonsillitis

Rule 5: If tired then diagnose stress

·         Now we might imagine a session between the user (the patient) and the expert system as follows:

Patient: I have a headache

System: I suggest you take a painkiller. Do you have a sore throat?

Patient: Yes, I do.

System: Have you been coughing?

Patient: No, why do you ask?

System: If you had a headache and a sore throat and had been coughing, I would have concluded you might have flu. It doesn’t sound as though you have flu. Have you been feeling tired recently?

Patient: Yes, I have.

System: It sounds as though you may have glandular fever or tonsillitis.

·         This was a rather simplistic example, but it illustrates the way that the system uses forward chaining to derive new facts and asks questions in order to carry out its

backward chaining analysis.

·         For example, having been told that the patient has a headache, the system first applies forward chaining with Rule 1 and, as a result, adds “prescribe painkiller” to its

database of facts.

·         This fact has an action, or a recommendation, associated with it, and so the system advises the patient that she should take a painkiller.

·         Next, the system tries to see if it can prove any other hypotheses. The possible hypotheses are flu, tonsillitis, glandular fever, and stress. First, the system uses

              backward chaining to try to prove the hypothesis that the patient has the flu.

·         To prove this hypothesis, the antecedents of Rule 2 must be proved: that the patient has a headache and a sore throat and has been coughing. The patient has already said that she has a headache, so this fact is already in the fact database. Next, the system must establish whether the patient has a sore throat. She says that she does, so this fact is added to the fact database. She has not been coughing, though, so the system concludes that she does not have flu.

·         At this point also note that the patient asks why the system asked the last question. The system is able to use its explanation facility to provide an explanation for why it asked the question and what conclusion it was able to draw from the answer.

·         Finally, the patient says that she has been feeling tired, and as a result of this fact being added to the database, Rules 3, 4, and 5 are all triggered.

·         In this case, conflict resolution has been applied in a rather simplistic way, such that Rules 3 and 4 both fire, but 5 does not.

·         In a real medical expert system, it is likely that further questions would be asked, and more sophisticated rules applied to decide which condition the patient really had.