10. What Does Effective Archive Look Like?

For modern enterprise data sets comprised of billions of files and petabytes of data, an archive solution must have the following capabilities:

Policy-driven workflows surface archive-ready data. Once data ready for archive is identified, administrators can set policies to automatically snapshot, move, verify, and re-export data, streamlining data management.

Efficient data movement is needed to move high volumes of data from primary storage to archive and vice versa for fast restore.

Search to restore allows administrators to quickly locate and retrieve any file, directory, or system, as well as any past versions.

Insights and learning help organizations learn from their data. Some of these insights include user access patterns and activity logging so administrators know how much the historical data is really utilized. Effective archive solutions enable analysis, with the ability to perform compliance analysis—all without impacting primary workloads.

Internal data protection so that archived data does not need to be separately backed up.

Ability to manage access separately from primary storage access permissions.