Ancient Indian History - Vedic Politics


·         Politics of Vedic India was well structured and organized.

Political Structure

·        The political structure of Rig Vedic India can be studied in the following ascending order −

o   The Family (Kula), the smallest unit.

o   The Village (Grama)

o   The Clan (Vis)

o   The People (Jana)

o   The Country (Rashtra)

·        Kula (family) included all the people living under the same roof (griha).

·        A collection of several families constitutes the grama (village) and its headman was called gramini.

·        The collection of several grama (village) was called as the Vis and its head was called Vispati.

·        Several Vis constituted a Jana as it is mentioned as Panchajanah, Yadva-janaha, and Bharata-janaha.

·        The aggregation of all Jana constitutes Rashtra (country).


·        The hereditary kings were the popular form of Government.

·        The provision of a democratically elected king by the assembly of people Jana was also known.

·        The Rashtra was small states ruled by a raja (king).

·        The bigger kingdoms were ruled by ‘samrat’ that reflects that they enjoyed a position of greater authority and dignity.

·        The Raja administered justice with the assistance of Purohita and other officials.

·        The Raja was offered bali, which was voluntary gift or tribute for his services. The bali was offered by his own people and also from defeated people.

·        The crimes were strongly dealt with by the administration. Major crimes were theft, burglary, robbery, and cattle lifting.

·        The important royal officials were −

o   Purohita (chief priest and minister)

o   Senani (army chief)

o   Gramini (head of a village)

o   Dutas (envoys)

o   Spies (spy)

·        Sabha and Samiti were two important assemblies mentioned in the Rig Veda. These assemblies were forms the essential feature of the government.

·        The Samiti was mainly dealt with the policy decisions and political business, included common people.

·        The Sabha was a selected body of the Elders or Nobles and less political in character.