Best Hydraulic Cross- Section

Description: Best Hydraulic Cross- Section

Best Hydraulic Cross- Section

 We often want to know the the minimum area A for a given flow Q, slope S0 and roughness coef- ficient n.

 This is known as the best hydraulic cross section

The quantity ARh2/3 in Mannings' equation is called the section factor

Writing the Manning equation with Rh = A/P, we get




·         ( inside ) is a constant;  Channel with minimum A is also minimum P

·         Minimum excavation area A also has minimum P

·         Best possible is semicircular channel, but construction costs are high

Let's find out what the best hydraulic cross section is for a rectan- gular channel


Example: Water flows uniformly in a rectangular channel of width b and depth y. Determine the aspect ratio b/y for the best hydraulic cross section.



o   Thus best hydraulic cross- section for a rectangular channel occurs when the depth is one-half the width of the channel


·         Note for 1 < b/y < 4; Q   .96 Qmax



Must include freeboard f in design between 5 to 30% of yn


Table gives Optimum properties of Open Channel Sections


.For trapezoid, half- hexagon


.For circular section, half- circle


.For triangular section, half- square


Design of Erodible Channels


Design velocity V small enough not to cause erosion


Find maximum permissible velocity based on channel material (Roberson, Table 4- 3)



Maximum Permissible Velocities a  nd n Values for Different       Materials   


Material     V(ft/s)                   n

Fine Sand   1.50            0.020

Sandy loam 1.75            0.020

Silt loam     2.00            0.020

Firm loam   2.50            0.020

Stiff clay     3.75            0.025

Fine gravel  2.50            0.025

Coarse gravel       4.00            0.025


Assuming a trapezoidal channel, maximum side slopes depend on material (Roberson,Table 4-2)


Maximum Channel Wall Slopes for Different Materials



Material : Side Slopes


Rock : Almost Vertical


Stiff clay or earth with concrete : 1/2 : 1 to 1:1


Firm Soil    1:1


Loose sandy soil  2:1


Sandy loam soil   3:1



Once  Q, V, n, S0 are determined, solve for depth y and width b.


Problem: For an unlined trapezoidal irrigation canal in firm loam soil, slope is 0.0006 and flow is 100 cfs, what dimensions?


For side slope, pick slope of 1 1/2 (h): 1 (v) (conservative) Vmax = 2.5 ft/s, n = 0.020


To find Rh



To construct choose b = 18 ft and y = 2.0 ft.

Critical Slope


o   Holding n and Q constant, changing slope slope will change depth and velocity


o   Where velocity and depth give a Froude number =1, this is defined as the critical slope Sc and crit- ical depth yc