Online Examination System with Scratched Card Generator

Vasplus provides a secure and reliable Online Examination System with Scratched Card Generator at competitive rates. Online examination is getting popular on the web these days. The system was designed to ease examination process in organizations worldwide.

The main objective of an online examination system is to efficiently evaluate the candidate thoroughly through a fully automated system that not only saves lot of time but also gives fast results.

This Online Examination System (OES) is a MCQ(Multiple Choice Questions) based Examination system with the ability to generate scratched cards which can be sold to candidates who intend to check their results online. The scratched card generator system can be disabled via the Admin panel of the system should you only need an Online Examination System.

As an institution, this is a system where you can set online exams, test or quiz, generate scratched cards which you can sell to your students to use and check their results online and you can also choose to disable the scratched card option via the admin panel. It is a more reliable Online Examination System when compared to our previous versions and moreover, this version uses more advance design technique with system responsiveness.

As an organization looking to set exams, test or quiz for your candidates, this system is recommended for you.

The essence of the scratched card generator is to help organisations using the system to raise fund via checking of their candidates results.

This way, an organization using the system can log unto the Admin Panel settings page to configure whether to allow the candidates to directly have access to their results after an exam, test or quiz OR to make them all purchase a scratched card which the organization has generated via the system and placed in their office to sell to students who need to check their results online.

This system provides an easy-to-use environment for preparing questions, conducting exams, test or quiz and managing results.

The system is particularly useful for those websites or organizations that deal in education, recruitment or employee screening process. Presently, institutes are organizing exams, test or quiz online. In this application, a candidate can be given an online exam, test or quiz of a particular subject or topic and get the results instantly through which the candidate can know his/her potential and how much more effort he/she needs to put in to get better marks depending on the settings done at the admin control panel of the system.

Any Educational Institute or training centres can use this system to develop their strategy for putting the exams, tests or quiz and for getting better results in less time.

Features of the System

1: System Responsiveness:
The system is fully responsive to screen which means it can work on any device, whether big or small screen sizes, the system is fully compatible.

2: Sign-up and Login: 
New users or Candidates can sign up and get their account verified via email.

3: Forgot Password:
Users or Candidates can easily request for forgot password link to enable them change their lost or forgotten passwords if the need for that arises.

4: Taking Exams, Tests or Quiz:
Users or Candidates can easily take exams, tests or quiz scheduled for them online and get their results immediately provided the settings at the admin control panel permits them to see their final results at the end of their exams, tests or quiz.

5: Users Management:
This application uses an access level to identify the users in the system and the application is made up of two kind of users namely "Administrators" whose duties are to manage all the activities in the system and the "Candidates" whose duties are to seat for scheduled exams, tests or quiz.
An admin can manage all the users or candidates in the system.
An admin can change the access level of a normal user account to that of an admin user account if the need for that arises.
All an admin needs to do if he wants to make more users administrators is to create a new user account and then change the access level of that account to that of an admin to enable the account have administrative rights.
An admin can always access the admin panel of the system for administrative duties while the candidates can only access the system when they have scheduled exams/tests/quiz or provided they have an exam, test or quiz which has been scheduled for them. Candidates can print their results after an exam, test or quiz.

6: Category/Sub-category Management:
An admin can create categories/sub-categories of exams, tests or quiz which they intend to offer via the Admin Control Panel.

7: Subjects or Topics Management:
An admin can easily add subjects or topics under the categories/sub-categories they may have created for identifying each exam, test or quiz

8: Setting of Questions and Multiple Choice Answers:
An exam, test or quiz can be set in two ways namely manually or via a CSV file. An example format for CSV file is provided for the system.
An admin can easily add and manage questions with images that further explains the questions if necessary and also add multiple choice answers for each question which has been added with an option for the correct answer to the question that will be used when marking the performance or exam of the candidates.

9: Exams, Test or Quiz Duration:
An admin can set the duration of each exam/test/quiz or the time that each of them should last before they end. Low internet connection or a situation where a network connection is lost does not affect a candidate who is taking an exam, test or quiz. Pages can be refreshed during an exam, test or quiz without problems and candidates are not allowed to copy the questions on the page during an exam, test or quiz to avoid plagiarism.

10: Results Management:
An admin can always access the results section in the system to see the performance of each candidates, he or she can print the results and can also add the manual results of candidates to the system.

11: Accepted Currency for Scratched Cards:
An admin can easily set the current which they want to appear on the scratched cards they generate for sell.

12: Scratched Cards Management:
An admin can easily generate scratched cards and download them whenever he or she wants via the Admin Control Panel.

13: Website Settings:
An admin can add all the necessary information about their organization to the system and can also set the final remarks that can be shown to candidates at the end of their exams, tests or quiz depending on their performance.