Wall Script Version 9.0

This amazing social networking system is a user friendly application which is similar to that of Facebook with more advance features and functionalities, the system also is very easy to install and customize to suit your needs because we had the users in mind while designing the system.

This application is not just a wall script, it is beyond a wall script due to the features of the system and it comes as a functioning website with almost all the major features of a social networking website.


Features of the System

1) Responsiveness:
The system is fully responsive to screen which means that it can work on any device, whether big or small screen sizes, the system is fully compatible.

2) Sign-up and Login:  Users can sign up and get their account verified via email. Although, the system has been set to allow users login after sign up but an email with a verification link is sent to the user after sign-up.

3) Forgot Password: Users can easily request for forgot password link to enable them change their lost or forgotten passwords if the need for that arises. They can also change their account passwords after login should the need for that arise.

4) SMTP Mailer: All email messages sent via the system are transported via SMTP server which gives you the assurance that the message sent will arrive at the receiving end instead of the regular PHP mail() function where the message sent can at any time be treated as spam and goes to the spam box instead of the Inbox of the recipient.

5) Status Updates: Users can post updates, friends can comment on their posted updates and other friends can reply to the comments just as Facebook does where the system has the ability for Posting, Commenting and Replying.

6) Two Type of Profile Pages: There is a page called Wall where the individual profiles of users can be viewed and there is another page called News Feeds where users can see the status updates of their friends just as Facebook does.

7) Privacy Settings: Users can set their desired privacy for posting such as PublicFriends and Private. If the privacy of an update is set to public, that update will be accessible to everyone that views the profile page of the user who posted the update or to everyone that accesses the News Feeds section of the site. If the privacy of the status is set to Friends then it means that only the friends of the user who posted the update will have access to it but if the privacy of the status is set to Private then it means that only the user who posted the update will have access to it.

8) Smiley Boxes: There are nicely designed smiley boxes for posting, commenting and replying.

9) Post Sharing: Users can share their status updates plus that of their friends on their pages as well as that of their friends.

10) Friendship System with Search Option: Users can search for other users in the system and then make friends via the system. They can send friend request to the users they like and then wait for the users they have added to either accept or decline their request. If a friend request is accepted, the system will notify the user who requested for friendship but if the request is declined, notification will not be sent to anyone but the request will only be deleted. The friends of each user are shown at the left section of the user profile page when viewed. Users can scroll the friends of their friends just as Facebook does with pagination.

11) URL Extractor: The system can automatically extract URL data using any first URL found in the status update box and it can also extract the data manually while using the system. The user will be able to scroll through all the extracted images to select a desired image before posting, the user also will be able to make changes to the title and description data extracted before posting should the need for that arise. YouTube Video URL are auto extracted in comments and replies.

12) Notification System: The system sends notification for all the major activities taking place within the system to the users when actions like posting on their wall, liking their post, comments or reply, sharing their status updates, tagging them in a post, etc takes place.

13) Photo and Video Grouping: The system groups photos and videos posted in status updates at the left section of the user profile page just as Facebook does.

14) Expand Photos: Users will be able to click on any photo to see it clearly, it doesn't matter if the photo was just browsed or it has already been posted, you can see the preview of photos.

15) Posts and Comments Sorting: Users can sort status updates to either "Sort by latest posts" or "Sort by posts with latest comments". By default, the status updates are sorted by latest posts.

16) Tagging Friends in Posts: Users can search and tag their friends in posts while a notification for the tag will be sent to the tagged friends. The tagged friends have the ability to un-tag their selves if they don't like the post in which they are tagged.

17) Posting Updates based on Location: Users will be able to update their status and specify their current location by simply searching from the available locations in the system or use their typed location should they not find their desired location via the search.

18) Capturing Device Used for Posting: The system captures the devices used by users when updating their status and adds the name of the device to the status just as Facebook does. This means that if the user is using a computer with Windows 7 to post his or her status update, the system will record Windows 7 as the device used for the post, the same applies when using a mobile device such a Blackberry, Windows Phone, etc.

19) Auto Load Posts: Status updates are loaded automatically when the user scrolls the page down just as Facebook does.

20) Pagination System for Comments and Replies:There is an option for comment and replies pagination after they reach a certain number specified in the config file that comes with the system just as Facebook does for comments and replies.

21) Notification for Edited Posts, Comments or Replies The system will show an information such as Edited for posts, comments or reply with the link to view the edit history for that item.

22) Hide Posts, Comments or Replies: User can hide the posts, comments and replies of their friends which they do not want to see on any page and they can as well un-hide the item when they want.

22) Like Posts, Comments or Replies: Users can like the posts, comments and replies in the system and they can also view these items to see the total number of people who may have liked a certain item.

23) Language Translation: There is an option on the site to help users easily change the default English language on the site to their desired languages.

24) Setting of Timezone: User can set their default timezone on the site make the system specify the correct time of an event when sending a mail to them. With the timezone in place, the system will show the correct time of the user in all emails sent to them.

25) Profile Photo: Users can add their profile photos to their page and they can also update the photo when they like.

26) Editting of User Account & Profile Details: Users can enter all their profile information to the system and also update these information when they like. Friends can view the profile of their friends and see all the information about them.

27) Popup User Details on Hover: The system pops up the details of a user such as Profile Photo, Fullname and Country in a nicely designed pop up window when hover over the user photo or name.

28) Chat Module: There is a chat system included where the users in the system can chat with their friends.

29) Report a Status Update: There is an option where users can report a status update which they feel is not good to the management of the website and such report is sent via SMTP mail to the email primary email address of the website.

30) Editting of Posts, Comments and Replies: Users will be able to edit their status updates, comments and replies when they like and the system will show the editted label where other users can see and view to see the edit history for such post, comment or reply.

31) Private and Group Messaging System:  The system has a private and group messaging system where users can securely communicate within the system. It is similar to that of Facebook where you can communicate with your friends privately or in groups.

32) New Chat System similar to Facebook:  The system has a chat system which is also similar to the new Facebook design and this chat system is linked to the Private and Group Messaging System whereby messages sent in chat conversations can be seen in the Private or Group Messaging System just as Facebook does.