Care To Be Taken When Handling With

Hand Tools A machinist must be skilled in the use of the numerous hand tools, which have been designed to make his work easier. In addition to knowing how to use hand tools properly, the machinist must also know the various types of tools available to do a particular job, how to select the best type and size for a given job, and how to care for and store tools when not in use. A skilled craftsman takes great pride in his ability to use tools correctly. Because most of these tools are finely made and expensive the ownership of a good tool kit is a never-ending source of satisfaction and pleasure. This chapter describes and explains many common hand tools used by machinists and tool and diemakers.

Holding tools are very important to an aircraft maintenance technician. These tools come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and are designed for different tasks and needs. The proper use of holding tools helps ensure a professional looking job. However, care must be taken to use the proper tool for the job.

Workshop Materials Safety

EASA regulations require an employer to have copies of relevant Material Safety Data Sheets that are readily available to all shop personnel at all times. These data sheets allow for quick reference in case of a chemical spill or injury. In the case of chemical injury, a copy of the pertinent data sheets(s) should be sent along to the emergency room to ensure proper medical attention.

 Material Safety Data Sheet consists of nine basic sections:

1. Product identification including trade name and the address and emergency phone number of the manufacturer/ supplier.

2. Principal ingredients including percentages of mixture by weight.

3. Physical data describing the substance’s appearance, odor, and specific technical information such as boiling point, vapor pressure, solubility etc.

4. Fire and explosion hazard potential.

5. Reactivity data including stability and incorruptibility with other substances.

6. First aid and health hazard data.

7. Ventilation and personal protection - glove goggles, respirator, etc.

8. Storage and handling precautions.

9. Spill, leak, and disposal procedures.