Center Pivot Irrigation

Early center pivot irrigation systems showed a lot of potential, but they also broke down. The broke down too often, even according to Robert Daugherty (right) the principal owner of Valley Irrigation. "A farmer, when [he] bought one of [our early systems] bought a headache," Daugherty admits now. "And some didn't want the headache. But after we got it so it was a reliable functioning system, why then the sales part of it became infinitely easier."

Center pivot systems were complex engineering systems that relied on both old and new technologies. They relied heavily on technologies developed for other uses for key components --

Frank Zybach took new pumps, pipes and sprinklers, put them together and raised the system off the ground. He supported the system with a series of towers and figured out how to rotate the entire apparatus around a central pivot point. Zybach, Daugherty and all the engineers and inventors who followed their footsteps had to devise and refine solutions to a whole series of problems.

Each of these technical innovations borrowed state-of-the-art engineering and scientific knowledge of the time and was a major step in making the systems work reliability.