How to Test an Ecommerce Applications

Setting up an E-commerce system is a complex process and subject to many market specific variables. To maintain the integrity of the E commerce system, testing becomes compulsory. It helps in the prevention of errors and adds value to the product by ensuring conformity to client requirements.

The objective of testing is to ensure

     Software reliability

     Software quality

     System Assurance

     Optimum performance and capacity utilization

In this tutorial we will learn,

     Types of Testing for E-commerce System

     Performance testing- a top priority in E-commerce

     Useful Tools for Mapping E-commerce Site

     Challenges of E-commerce Testing

How to Test an Ecommerce Applications

Types of Testing for E-commerce System

Common type of testing included into e commerce system are


Type of Testing

Testing Process


Browser compatibility

     Lack of support for early browsers

     Browser specific extensions

     Browser testing should cover main platforms ( Linux, Windows, Mac etc.)


Page display

     Incorrect display of pages

     Runtime error messages

     Poor page download time

     Dead hyperlink, plugin dependency, font sizing, etc.


Session Management

     Session expiration

     Session storage



     Non-intuitive design

     Poor site navigation

     Catalog navigation

     Lack of help-support


Content Analysis

     Misleading, offensive and litigious content

     Royalty free images and copyright infringement

     Personalization functionality

     Availability 24/7



     Denial of service attacks

     Unacceptable levels of unavailability


Back-up and Recovery

     Failure or fall over recovery

     Backup failure

     Fault tolerance



     Transaction Integrity




Shopping order processing and purchasing

     Shopping cart functionality

     Order processing

     Payment processing

     Order tracking



     Language support

     Language display

     Cultural sensitivity

     Regional Accounting


Operational business procedures

     How well e-procedure copes

     Observe for bottlenecks


System Integration

     Data Interface format

     Interface frequency and activation


     Interface volume capacity

     Integrated performance



     Performance bottlenecks

     Load handling

     Scalability analysis


Login and Security

     Login capability

     Penetration and access control

     Insecure information transmission

     Web attacks

     Computer viruses

     Digital signatures

Performance testing- a top priority in E-commerce

Just delay about 250 milliseconds of a page load time, is what keeps your customer going to your competitor. Retail giant Walmart overhaul their site speed and noticed an increase of 2% in visitor's conversion rate and revenue by 1%.

Performance of your site depends on this factors


     Request per second

     Transactions per minute

     Executions per click

     Response Time

     Duration of a task

     Seconds per click

     Page Load

     DNS Lookup

     Length of time between click and seeing page

Useful Tools for Mapping E-commerce Site

     Concept Feedback: Post your website and get feedback from experts

     ClickHeat: It shows the most clicked and unclicked zones of sites by visitors

     FiveSecondTest: This tool ensures that your message is communicated as effectively as possible, in just five seconds it tells what a person recalls about your website design

     Feedback Army: For your e commerce site it start a usability test by submitting questions about your site and receiving 10 responses from reviewers

     Feng-GUI: It simulates the human vision during first five seconds and predicts what a real human would most likely look at

     Optimizely: It enables you to test track, clicks, conversions or anything else that matters to e-commerce business

Challenges of E-commerce Testing

     Compliance with security guidelines to safeguard customer data and identity

     Compliance with accessibility standards to support multi-lingual markets and business regions

     End to end testing and test management for large e-commerce transformation programs

     Scalability and reliability of applications