Database Testing

What is Database Testing?

     In Database testing backend records are tested which have been inserted through the web or desktop applications. The data which is displaying in the web application should match with the data stored in the Database.

To perform the Database testing, the tester should be aware of the below mentioned points:

     The tester should understand the functional requirements, business logic, application flow and database design thoroughly.

     The tester should figure out the tables, triggers, store procedures, views and cursors used for the application.

     The tester should understand the logic of the triggers, store procedures, views and cursors created.

     The tester should figure out the tables which get affected when insert update and delete (DML) operations are performed through the web or desktop applications.

With the help of the above mentioned points, the tester can easily write the test scenarios for Database testing.

Test Scenarios for Database Testing:

     Verify the database name: The database name should match with the specifications.

     Verify the Tables, columns, column types and defaults: All things should match with the specifications.

     Verify whether the column allows a null or not.

     Verify the Primary and foreign key of each table.

     Verify the Stored Procedure:

     Test whether the Stored procedure is installed or not.

     Verify the Stored procedure name

     Verify the parameter names, types and number of parameters.

     Test the parameters if they are required or not.

     Test the stored procedure by deleting some parameters

     Test when the output is zero, the zero records should be affected.

     Test the stored procedure by writing simple SQL queries.

     Test whether the stored procedure returns the values

     Test the stored procedure with sample input data.

     Verify the behavior of each flag in the table.

     Verify the data gets properly saved into the database after the each page submission.

     Verify the data if the DML (Update, delete and insert) operations are performed.

     Check the length of every field: The field length in the back end and front end must be same.

     Verify the database names of QA, UAT and production. The names should be unique.

     Verify the encrypted data in the database.

     Verify the database size. Also test the response time of each query executed.

     Verify the data displayed on the front end and make sure it is same in the back end.

     Verify the data validity by inserting the invalid data in the database.

     Verify the Triggers.