Compatibility Testing

What is Compatibility testing?

     Compatibility testing is used to determine if your software is compatible with other elements of a system with which it should operate, e.g. Browsers, Operating Systems, or hardware.

What is the purpose or Goal of Compatibility testing?

     The purpose of Compatibility testing is to evaluate how well software performs in a particular browser, Operating Systems, hardware or software.

Compatibility Test Scenarios:

     Test the website in different browsers (IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera) and ensure the website is displaying properly.

     Test the HTML version being used is compatible with appropriate browser versions.

     Test the images display correctly in different browsers.

     Test the fonts are usable in different browsers.

     Test the java script code is usable in different browsers.

     Test the Animated GIF's across different browsers.

Tool for Compatibility Testing: provides access to thousands of applications (Browsers) without any installs. This tool helps you to test your application on different browsers on one single machine.