Functional Testing:

What is Functional Testing?

     Testing the features and operational behavior of a product to ensure they correspond to its specifications.

     Testing that ignores the internal mechanism of a system or component and focuses solely on the outputs generated in response to selected inputs and execution conditions.

What is the purpose or Goal of Functional testing?

     The goal of Functional Testing is to verify whether your product meets the intended functional specifications mentioned in your development documentation.

Functional Test Scenarios:

     Test all the mandatory fields should be validated.

     Test the asterisk sign should display for all the mandatory fields.

     Test the system should not display the error message for optional fields.

     Test that leap years are validated correctly & do not cause errors/miscalculations.

     Test the numeric fields should not accept the alphabets and proper error message should display.

     Test for negative numbers if allowed for numeric fields.

     Test division by zero should be handled properly for calculations.

     Test the max length of every field to ensure the data is not truncated.

     Test the pop up message ("This field is limited to 500 characters") should display if the data reaches the maximum size of the field.

     Test that a confirmation message should display for update and delete operations.

     Test the amount values should display in currency format.

     Test all input fields for special characters.

     Test the timeout functionality.

     Test the Sorting functionality.

     Test the functionality of the buttons available

     Test the Privacy Policy & FAQ is clearly defined and should be available for users.

     Test if any functionality fails the user gets redirected to the custom error page.

     Test all the uploaded documents are opened properly.

     Test the user should be able to download the uploaded files.

     Test the email functionality of the system.

     Test the Java script is properly working in different browsers (IE, Firefox, Chrome, safari and Opera).

     Test to see what happens if a user deletes cookies while in the site.

     Test to see what happens if a user deletes cookies after visiting a site.

     Test all the data inside combo/list box is arranged in chronological order.