Scrum Testing Beginners Tutorial: Roles, Artifacts, Ceremonies

What is Scrum?

Building complex software applications is a difficult task. Scrum methodology comes as a solution for executing such complicated task. It helps development team to focus on all aspects of the product like quality, performance, usability and so on.

Following are Key Features of Scrum-

Let's look at the one by one

Roles in Scrum

There are three chief roles in Scrum Testing – Product Owner, Scrum Master and The Development Team. Let's study them in detail

Product Owner

Scrum Master

The Team

  • He defines features of the product.
  • He manages the team and look after the team's productivity
  • The team is usually about 5-9 members
  • Product Owner decides release date and corresponding features
  • He maintains the block list and removes barriers in the development
  • It includes developers, designer and sometimes testers, etc.
  • They prioritize the features according to the market value and profitability of the product
  • He/She coordinates with all roles and functions
  • The team organizes and schedule their work on their own
  • He is responsible for the profitability of the product
  • He/She shields team from external interferences
  • Has right to do everything within the boundaries of the project to meet the sprint goal
  • He can accept or reject work item result
  • Invites to the daily scrum, sprint review and planning meetings
  • Actively participate in daily ceremonies

Scrum Artifacts

A scrum process includes

Ceremonies (Processes) in Scrum

Role of Tester in Scrum

There is no active role of Tester in Scrum Process. Usually, testing is carried out by developer with Unit Test. While product owner is also frequently involved in the testing process during each sprint. Some Scrum projects do have dedicated test teams depending on the nature & complexity of the project.The next question is, what tester do in scrum? Following note will answer Testing Activities in Scrum Testers do following activities during the various stages of Scrum-

Sprint Planning


Sprint Retrospective

Test Reporting

Scrum Test metrics reporting provides transparency and visibility to stakeholders about the project. The metrics that are reported allow team to analyze their progress and plan their future strategy to improve the product. There are two metrics that are frequently used to report.

Burn down chart: Each day, Scrum Master records the estimated remaining work for the sprint. This is nothing but the Burn Down Chart. It is updated daily.A burndown chart gives a quick overview of the project progress, this chart contains information like total amount of work in the project that must be completed, amount of work completed during each sprint and so on.

Velocity history graph: The velocity history graph predicts the velocity of the team reached in each sprint. It is a bar graph and represents how teams output has changed over time.The additional metrics that may be useful are schedule burn, budget burn, theme percent complete, stories completed - stories remaining and so on.Do you have any tips or experiences to share for Scrum Testing? Do leave a comment below-