Make the Project Kickoff Meeting Successful

Before project work formally begins, hold a project kickoff meeting to get everyone on the same page. This is a crucial first step that sets the tone for the work that follows. It’s typically the one chance to share the project’s objectives and overall plan with every stakeholder.

Successful kickoff meetings require preparation. Here are 8 steps to making your kickoff meeting a success:

1. Establish vision and deliverables: Set a common goal for everyone. Lay out what needs to get done and by when.

2. Identify team and set roles: Who does what? Create a list detailing who’s responsible for what and include contact info for easy communication.

3. Develop initial project plan: Present your initial project plan, but understand that details may shift during discussions with your team at the kickoff. Know how you want to approach the project, but be flexible.

4. Define metrics for success: How will the project be measured? What will make it successful? Set expectations and goals early.

5. Identify potential risks and bottlenecks: Prepare the team for potential roadblocks and have a process in place to handle them quickly should they arise.

6. Establish logistics for team communication: What is the preferred method of communication? What is the best way to provide status updates? Establish a consistent process (daily, weekly meetings) and determine the technology for it.

7. Choose work process or project management methodology: Establish which methodologies and frameworks the team will follow to align work styles and expectations.

8. Decide which tools you’ll use: Ensure everyone has the tools they need to accomplish their tasks.