Popular agile methodologies

Within agile there are some frequently used or popular methods, with Scrum, Kanban, and Lean being the most popular. Some agile methods include:

·         Scrum

·         Kanban

·         Lean (LN)

·         Dynamic System Development Model, (DSDM)

·         Extreme Programming (XP)

·         Crystal

·         Adaptive software development (ASD)

·         Agile Unified Process (AUP)

·         Crystal Clear methods

·         Disciplined agile delivery

·         Feature-driven development (FDD)

·         Scrumban

·         RAD(Rapid Application Development)

Agile project management and Scrum

Scrum is a powerful framework for implementing agile processes in software development and other projects. This highly adopted framework utilizes short iterations of work, called sprints, and daily meetings, called scrums, to tackle discrete portions of a project in succession until the project as a whole is complete. There are three key roles within Scrum: the Scrum master, product owner, and Scrum team members:

·         The product owner creates and prioritizes a product backlog (work to be done).

·         Teams select items from the backlog and determine how to complete the work.

·         Work must be completed within a sprint (usually two to four weeks).

·         The Scrum master meets with teams briefly each day to get progress updates.

·         Sprint reviews are conducted at the end of each sprint.

·         The process starts again until all work or backlog is complete.

Organizational hurdles to adopting agile

Organizations looking to adopt agile for project management my encounter any of a number of common hurdles, such as the following:

·         A company structure or culture that does not adequately support agile: Although project teams may be ready for agile development, the rest of the company may not be on board. Sponsors, executives, and functional leaders must also buy into and support agile for it to be truly effective.

·         Unclear understanding of the impact to the overall business goals: Simply executing projects using agile methodology isn’t enough to reap the desired benefits. Projects can still be executed in ways that don’t provide the entire business with the results that help achieve sustainable growth. Strategic alignment is still critical.

·         Rushed testing cycles: Sprints can create a risk of rushed testing cycles. In the process of trying to get through sprints as quickly as possible, teams can become more focused on the timeline and miss simple aspects of the testing cycle, which can have potential significant repercussions. Defects can go undetected or are detected too late.

·         Limited agile skill: Although agile is rapidly taking root, top agile talent can be hard to find and attract. Limited agile talent means limited benefits for companies wanting to execute projects using this methodology.

Key agile skills

There are six key agile project management skills or attributes that all project managers should have:

  1. An ability to cut through unnecessary work and focus only on essential work
  2. Sound judgment under pressure and the ability to remain calm under stress
  3. Strong motivation and coaching skill to guide and support teams throughout a project
  4. Exceptional organizational abilities to keep everything straight and prioritize
  5. The ability to think and make decisions quickly as circumstances change rapidly
  6. A high level of adaptability in order to accept change and reduce unnecessary confusion and risk

Agile project management certification and training

As agile methodology picks up speed, so does the demand for professionals with agile knowledge and experience. Here are seven agile-focused certifications to provide a benchmark for your knowledge.

·         PMI-ACP

·         APMG International

·         Strategyex Certificate (Associate or Master’s) in agile

·         International Consortium for Agile (ICAgile)

·         Agile Certification Institute

·         Scaled Agile Academy

·         Scrum Alliance

Agile project management software

Companies using agile are likely to leverage software geared to agile development in order to get the full benefits of this methodology. Here are just some of the agile solutions available:

·         Atlassian Jira + Agile: This is an agile project management tool that supports Scrum, Kanban, and mixed methodologies. This project management software comes with a comprehensive set of tools that help Scrum teams perform events with ease.

·         Agilean: Agilean automates workflow management for small and midsize IT companies fitting different verticals. It is customizable and has 50 built-in templates.

·         SprintGround: This is a project management tool created for developers to organize work and help them track progress.

·         VersionOne: This project management solution is built to support the Scaled Agile Framework at all levels.

Agile project management tools, templates and resources

There are also many templates available from companies like Microsoft that project managers can use rather than re-creating the wheel. Here are just a few among several others available from Microsoft: 

·         Agile glossary

·         Agile process guides

·         Agile process work item types and workflow

·         Backlogs

·         Scrum process

·         Scrum process work item types and workflow

·         Use agile in Microsoft Project

Agile project management software vendors also typically have built-in agile templates in their software.

The future of agile

As competition is continually increasing and time to market is also shrinking, agile offers numerous benefits and limited drawbacks. As more companies make the shift to a digital workplace that is highly dependent on speed, flexibility and increased productivity, agile or hybrid methodologies will become increasingly necessary. Its application in multiple industries and alignment with the benefits offered by a digital workplace model, indicate that agile adoption rates will continue to increase across industries around the world.