Product Iterations

Your team is in place, they’re motivated, you have an engaged business, your initial planning is done—you’re now ready to build your dreams.

We talked earlier about some of the tools, techniques, and concepts that Agile subscribes to. There are many resources already available that do a great job at laying the foundations for delivering an Agile software project. Pick one, keep it vanilla, and grow into your Agile journey. To help shorten the trauma in deciding the right Agile software development methodology to start with, I’d recommend Scrum. And only Scrum. The temptation will be there to use elements of other methodologies. Don’t do it yet. Save that kind of change until you have lived and breathed Scrum for 6 or 12 months. Then, if either you’ve determined it alone does not work for you or you want to mature as a team, steadily introduce new methods, techniques, or frameworks.

I choose Scrum as the recommended approach for new team’s adopting Agile because it has all the basics built in. It’s very popular and has many good-quality communities and resources online, in books, or in the training room. It will serve you well, even for the smallest of teams. The rest of this post is dedicated to discussing some important aspects of software delivery that you, your team, and stakeholders should always keep in mind.

Adaptive Planning

Planning in an Agile project is an ongoing process. We do some initial planning up front, just enough to understand what we know at a given point. Our initial plans will be loosely defined and flawed. And then we iterate our planning, adapting to new information, planning in greater detail just before we enter into delivery, responding to changing scope. This is one way of minimizing waste—only putting effort into planning when we need to.

·         The team and the business, or its informed and authorized representative such as a product manager, actively plan together—the team because they are the experts that will deliver and the product manager because the are the experts who can guide the needs of the business.

·         Estimates for user stories will be less accurate the further out they are from being developed. For example, epics will attract high-level estimates that will be based on a lot of unknowns. Well-defined and granular user stories that are estimated just before a sprint starts will be much more accurate.

·         There are many estimation “scales” you can use. Use the technique that feels most right for your team and the right stage of planning—wide-band delphi, planning poker, ideal time, relative sizing, story points, or t-shirt sizes.

·         When sizing a story, one size really does fit all. All stories should be sized using the same technique and encompass all elements such as design, development, testing, and refactoring. When you come to do iteration planning for a sprint, certain tasks can be created which all contribute to the completion of the story.

·         Always factor risk, unknowns, outside influences, your team’s capacity, and ever-improving velocity in planning.

·         If user stories that were taken into a sprint were not completed, we do not extend the timebox. These unfinished or unstarted items are put back to the top of the backlog and taken into the next sprint.

·         Always plan to deliver the least amount required to achieve a given goal. Identify techniques to prune features. Reduce waste and find the real value that can be realistically delivered with your time-constrained resources.

Story Creation

Stories get elaborated upon when you need them. You don’t need full story explanations for features that are six months away from being delivered. Writing them at the beginning may be wasted effort, when that need disappears from scope. Write your stories at most two iterations before they are needed. Reducing that timeframe to one sprint is preferable.

Let’s take your time in sprint 0 to set the scene. In two weeks, you’ll start development. It’s now time to take enough of the stories from the top of the backlog that could potentially get delivered on sprint 1. You might take 10-15% more if you’re unsure on your velocity. These one-liners can now be expanded into truly valuable documents with scenarios, acceptance criteria, and wireframes. If the wireframes haven’t been created yet, now’s the time to do so. You might find as you review these candidate stories that they need to be broken down. Perhaps they were epics that couldn’t possibly be completed in a sprint. If you break stories down, re-estimate them with the team.

good story follows the following rules: - Written in a common format, e.g., AS A <persona> I WANT <to do some task> SO THAT <achieve some result>. - Includes acceptance criteria that the story must meet to be considered acceptable to the business for sign-off. - Uses language that the business and your customers understand. - Follows the INVEST model. - Includes all supporting documents to inform the developer, designer, and tester: wireframes, technical design overview, other assets. - Meets your standard “definition of done” criteria.