Agile - Release Planning

The purpose of release planning is to create a plan to deliver an increment to the product. It is done after every 2 to 3 months.

Who is Involved?                                                                                 

      Scrum MasterThe scrum master acts as a facilitator for the agile delivery team.

      Product OwnerThe product owner represents the general view of the product backlog.

      Agile TeamAgile delivery team provides insights on the technical feasibilities or any dependencies.

      StakeholdersStakeholders like customers, program managers, subject matter experts act as advisers as decisions are made around the release planning.

Prerequisites of Planning

The prerequisites of release planning are as follows −

      A ranked product backlog, managed by the Product Owner. Generally five to ten features are taken which the product owner feels that can be included in a release

      Team's input about capabilities, known velocity or about any technical challenge

      High-level vision

      Market and Business objective

      Acknowledgement whether new product backlog items are needed

Materials Required

The list of materials required for release planning is as follows −

      Posted agenda, purpose

      Flip charts, whiteboards, markers

      Projector, way to share computers having data/tools required during planning meeting

      Planning data

Planning Data

The list of data required to do release planning is as follows −

      Previous iterations or release planning results

      Feedback from various stakeholders on product, market conditions, and deadlines

      Action plans of previous releases / iterations

      Features or defects to be considered

      Velocity from previous releases/ estimates.

      Organizational and personal calendars

      Inputs from other teams and subject matter experts to manage any dependencies


The output of a release planning can be the following −

      Release plan


      Issues, concerns, dependencies, and assumptions which are to be monitored

      Suggestions to improve future release plannings


The agenda of a release planning can be −

      Opening ceremonyWelcome message, review purpose and agenda, organizing tools and introduction to business sponsors.

      Product Vision, RoadmapShow the large picture of the product.

      Review previous releasesDiscussion on any item which can impact the plan.

      Release name / themeInspect the current status of roadmap themes and do the required adjustments, if any.

      Velocity − Present the velocity for the current release and of previous releases.

      Release scheduleReview key milestones and decision on time boxes for release and iterations within release.

      Issues and concernsCheck any concerns or issue and record them.

      Review and Update the Definition of Done − Review the definition of done and make appropriate changes based on technology, skill, or changes in team members since the last iteration / release.

      Stories and items to be consideredPresent the user stories and features from the product backlog to be considered for scheduling in the current release.

      Determine sizing valuesIf the velocity is unknown, then plan the sizing values to be used in the release planning.

      Coarse the size of storiesThe delivery team determines the appropriate size of the stories under consideration and splits the stories into multiple iterations if a story is too large. The product owner and the subject matter experts clarify the doubts, elaborate the acceptance criteria, and make proper story splits. The scrum master facilitates the collaboration.

      Map stories to iterationsThe delivery team and the product owner move the stories/defects in the iterations based on the size and velocity. The scrum master facilitates the collaboration.

      New concerns or issuesCheck any new issues based on previous experience and record the same.

      Dependencies and assumptionsCheck any dependencies/assumptions planned during the release planning.

      CommitThe scrum master calls for the planning. Delivery team and Product owner signal it as the best plan and then commit to move to the next level of planning, that is, iteration planning.

      Communication and logistics planning − Review/Update the communication and logistics planning for the release.

      Parking lotProcess parking lot means all items should be either resolved or set as action items.

      Distribute Action items and action plansDistribute the action items among their owners, process the action plan.

      Retrospect − Solicit feedback from participants to make the meeting successful.

      CloseCelebrate the success.