History of flight Balloon flight Ornithopter Monoplanes and Biplanes Early Developments in Aerodynamics Propulsion Types of flight Flight Vehicle Classification The Basic Parts of an Airplane and Their Functions Control Systems for Large Aircraft POWERED FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEMS FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS Structure of the Atmosphere Aerodynamic Heating Newton's Laws and Flight What is Lift? Aerodynamic Lift, Drag and Moment Coefficients Aerofoil What is Mach Number? Maneuvering Flight Turboprop Engine How A Turboprop Engine Works What is a jet engine? Types of jet engines Rocket Principles What Are the Different Kinds of Rockets? HISTORY OF SPACE EXPLORATION Monocoque Typical Aircraft wing and fuselage Structure Aluminium alloy Titanium Aluminum vs. Stainless Steel Parts for Aerospace Stress and Strain