Causes Of Depreciation

The depreciation occurs because of the following:

1. Constant use:

The constant use of assets results into their wear and tear, which in turn reduces their working capacity. Hence, a decrease in the value of assets may be seen due to reduced capacity. The value of assets like, machinery, furniture, etc., declines with the constant use of them.

2. Passage of Time:

Many fixed assets lose their value with the passage of time. This holds true in case of intangible fixed assets such as patents, copy rights, lease hold properties, etc. The term “amortisation” is generally used to indicate the reduction in the value of such assets.

3. Depletion: Depletion also causes decline in the value of certain assets. This is true in case of wasting assets such as mines, oil wells and forest-stands. On account of continuous extraction of minerals or oils, these assets go on declining in their value and finally they gets completely exhausted.

4. Obsolescence: There may not be any physical deterioration in the asset itself. Despite of this there may be reduction in the utility of an asset that results from the development of a better method, machine or process. For example, an old machine which is still in good working condition may have to be replaced by a new machine because of the later being more economical as well as efficient. In fact, new inventions, developments in production processes, changes in demand for product or services, etc. make the asset out of date.

5. Accidents: An asset may get reduction in its value if it meets an accident.

6. Permanent Fall in the Market Value: Certain assets may get permanent fall in their value and this decline in their value is treated as depreciation. For example, a permanent decline in the market value of securities and investment may be assumed as depreciation


Need For Providing Depreciation

The need for providing depreciation arises on account of the following points:

1. To Ascertain the Profits or Losses:

The true profits or losses could be ascertained when all costs of earning revenues have been properly charged against them. Fixed assets like building, plant and machinery, furniture, motor vehicles etc are important tool in earning business income. But the cost of the fixed asset is not charged to profit and loss of the accounting period in which the asset is purchased. Therefore, the cost of the fixed asset less its salvage value must be allocated rationally to the periods that receive benefit from the use of the asset. Thus, depreciation is an item of business expense and must be provided for a proper matching of costs with the revenue.

2. To show the Asset as its Reasonable Value:

The assets get decrease in their value over a period of time on account of various such as passage of time, constant use, accidents, etc. Therefore, if the depreciation is not charged then the asset will appear in the balance sheet at the over stated value. This practice is unfair as the balance sheet fail to present the true financial position.

3. Replacement of assets:

Business assets become useless at the expiry of their life and, therefore, need replacement. The cash resources of the concern are saved from being distributed by way of dividend by providing for depreciation. The resources so saved, if set aside in each year, may be adequate to replace it at the end of life of the asset.

4. To Reduce Income Tax:

If tax is paid on the business income without providing for depreciation then it will be in excess to the actual income tax. This is a loss to the business man. Thus, for calculating tax, depreciation should be deducted be from income similar to the other expenses.