Direct Material Variance

Material variances can be of the following categories:

      Material Cost Variance

      Material Price Variance

      Material Usage Variance

      Material Mix Variance

      Material Yield Variance

Material Cost Variance


Standard cost of materials for actual output – Actual cost of material used


Material price variance + Material usage or quantity variance


Material price variance + Material mix variance + Material yield variance


Material Price Variance


Actual usage ( Standard Quantity Price – Actual Unit Price)

Actual Usage = Actual Quantity of material (in units) used

Standard Unit Price = Standard Price of material per unit

Actual Unit Price = Actual price of material per unit


Material Usage or Quantity Variance


Material usage or Quantity variance : Standard price per unit (Standard Quantity – Actual Quantity )


Material Mix Variance


Material mix variance arises due to the difference between the standard mixture of material and the actual mixture of Material mix.

Material Mix variance is calculated as a difference between the standard prices of standard mix and the standard price of actual mix.

If there is no difference between the standard and the actual weight of mix, then:

Standard unit cost (Standard Quantity – Actual Quantity )


Standard Cost of Standard Mix – Standard cost of Actual Mix

Sometimes due to shortage of a particular type of material, standard is revised; then:

Standard unit cost (Revised Standard Quantity – Actual Quantity)


Standard cost of revised Standard Mix – Standard Cost of Actual mix

If the actual weight of mix differs from the standard weight of mix, then:

Standard cost of revised standard mix ×

Total weight of actual mixmixTotal weight of revised standard mix


Material Yield Variance


When the standard and the actual mix do not differ, then

Yield Variance = Standard Rate × (Actual Yield – Standard Yield)

Standard Rate =

Standard cost of standard mixNet standard output (i.e.Gross output−Standard loss)