Ratio Classification on the Basis of Financial Statement

Balance Sheet Ratios                                     

Ratios calculated from taking various data from the balance sheet are called balance sheet ratio. For example, current ratio, liquid ratio, capital gearing ratio, debt equity ratio, and proprietary ratio, etc.

Revenue Statement Ratio

Ratios calculated on the basis of data appearing in the trading account or the profit and loss account are called revenue statement ratios. For example, operating ratio, net profit ratio, gross profit ratio, stock turnover ratio.

Mixed or Composite Ratio

When the data from both balance sheet and revenue statements are used, it is called mixed or composite ratio. For example, working capital turnover ratio, inventory turnover ratio, accounts payable turnover ratio, fixed assets turnover ratio, return of net worth ratio, return on investment ratio.

Classification of Ratios on the Basis of Financial Statements

Balance Sheet Ratios

Profit and Loss A/c Ratios

Composite or Mixed Ratios

      Current Ratio

      Liquid Ratio

      Absolute Liquid Ratio

      Debt Equity Ratio

      Proprietorship Ratio

      Capita Gearing Ratio

      Assets Proprietorship Ratio

      Capital Inventory to Working Capital Ratio

      Ratio of Current Assets to Fixed Assets

      Gross Profit Ratio

      Operating Ratio

      Operating Profit Ratio

      Net Profit Ratio

      Cash Profit Ratio

      Expenses Ratio

      Interest Coverage Ratio

      Stock Turnover Ratio

      Receivable Turnover Ratio

      Payable Turnover Ratio

      Fixed Assets Turnover Ratio

      Total Assets Turnover Ratio

      Working Capital Turnover Ratio

      Capital Turnover Ratio

      Return on Capital Employed

      Return on Equity Ratio

      Return on Shareholders Fund

      Capital Turnover Ratio