Limitations of Ratio Analysis

Although Ratio Analysis is a very useful accounting tools to analyze and interpret different accounting equations, it comes with its own set of limitations:

      If the data received from financial accounting is incorrect, then the information derived from ratio analysis could not be reliable.

      Unauthenticated data may lead to misinterpretation of ratio analysis.

      Future prediction may not be always dependable, as ratio analysis is based on the past performance.

      To get a conclusive idea about the business, a series of ratios is to be calculated. A single ratio cannot serve the purpose.

      It is not necessary that a ratio can give the real present situation of a business, as the result is based on historical data.

      Trend analysis is done with the help of various calculated ratios that can be distorted due to the changes in the price level.

      Ratio analysis is effective only where same accounting principles and policies are adopted by other concerns too, otherwise inter-company comparison will not exhibit a real picture at all.

      Through ratio analysis, special events cannot be identified. For example, maturity of debentures cannot be identified with ratio analysis.

      For effective ratio analysis, practical experience and knowledge about particular industry is essential. Otherwise, it may prove worthless.

      Ratio analysis is a useful tool only in the hands of an expert.